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Kuniran BL

((this doesn't leave him much time for reading the paper))
-he says he has no real adm problems, but needs better facilities (fasilitas kurang)
3 motor cycles, 1 for desictor, 1 for head of adm, 1 for  head of technik.
- are 20 kec. in Pati, 405 lesas, furthest 40K from kab. office, making this a diff. kab. to administers
- often personnel must sleep over in village areas.
- are no B/P/K projects in own 5 kabupatens.
- ave. salaries for technical staff about 30,000 without housing.
1 blacksmithing visited [[crossed-out]] first this day: are 40 papers in one dukod in Pati (dukod Kuneisan, kal Kuneisan, kec. Batangan)- make pacul + asit; 3 persons per perapen (1 empu, 1  panjak, q comb. panjak + ubal)
- raw materaisl sel besi + scrap iron, bought at Kudus from scraps iron dealers
-salaries (upak) for workers in the perapeng vary between 350-650 Rp daily.
still farm in Kuneisan, sawak tadak kujan
also farm ladanf + keep tambak
no sambilan activicties reported fro women of the village
teak chascoal
we visited house. of Pak Yamin
- sometimes face problem in getting enough iron to operate continuously 
also would like to learn how to smelt + would like to cast tool sockets but don't know how. 
- sales of farm tools depend on harvest season
- tools sold either directly by Pak yamin in market or via tengkulak
2 [[special symbol]] demonstration salt project in Pati- same design as one in Rembang
- location in desa Bumemielyo, kec. Batangan
- salt industry on N. shore java originates from S. Madura