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Process: 1. Brass melted down 2. Molded 3. filed 4. embroidered (dibubut) 5. diselep (another finishing process) 6. polished
Logan asked why we're using hand files instead of mechanical grinda - say is too much metal loss with a grinda
-diesel is 5 PK (horsepower)
-Pak Karman says his main problem is marketing
-work hours 7-4, never overtime, workers get a meal
-best sales around Christmas and Idul Fitri
shop open all year rather high labor turnover ("seeing gante barah")
are about 25 pengusaha (brassworks) in the neighborhood + 105 in the whole [?] (5 desas)
3 types of power used in Karman's shop: 
electric (listnik)
hand (manusia)

page 99

kec Wedarijaksa [?]

desa Karanglegi 29 makers of bucks + roof tiles
sold thru people who order ahead of time + people who come around buying for own use
- now materials clay mixed with rice chaff (rambut padi)
with men + women make bucks + tiles
acc. to them major problem credit; feel should be granted loans in April at beginning of dry season + returnable in Nov. at end of dry season - feel 100,000 about right as size of minimum loan
- we visited large field owned Park. Ngaryo privately on which hired labor being used - very deep and extensive digging in form of square pits + trenches
-labor paid 500 Rp for stamping out (cetak) 1000 brucks, ie 1/2 Rp each
2 laborers can make 300-500 bucks a day (hence less than 125 Rp per person per day)
-single firing 10,000-15,000 at a time
-hired labor on Pak Ngaryos land