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               10MLAH SEMUA Rp 4325

Same Day
desa Paswosari, kec. Kudus Kota

1. visited a small ready-to-wear factory (2 sewing machines) making sets of children's clothes in town of Kudus
-makes to orders, often school uniforms
-both boys + girls sew
-clothing sold via stores + pasar
- 3 stores in Magelang, 1 pasar. Parakan, 1 Papan in Wonosobo, 1 pasar in Purokesto
-take the goods by bus
-baham baku!
     good season 15 bolts (pis) per mo., only 2 bolts in slow
good seasons are after harvest + Libaran
1 pis 30 meters, costs 22,000 Rp
-use 25,000 Rp worth of buttons + fillings, 40,000 Rp worth of thread per month busy season
- 1 pis enough for 47 stel

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(sets) of children's clothing 1 stel sells for 600Rp sewing machines are of foot-pedel type
-1 machine can get 10 sets a day
-buy cloth in bolts from kudus; often receive cloth on credit + pay after ready-to-wear sold
-sell to langganang sometimes Rontan, sometimes sebagian dulu; 
-perhaps 30% of langgahans regularly pay kontan
-they feel their main problem credit - now many entrepreneurs must rent their machines "from neighbors"
can rent a machine for 800- 1000 Rp per mo. and +/- 25 pengusaha in that neighborhood + 10 in next dukoh over
many of the pengusaha rent some of their machines + owned + rented average about 5 machines per household
-still do farming in the area, irrigated, 3harvests a year; 
-west side of village short of water + doesn't;