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-if buy cloth on credit payment day fixed + must pay even if goods not sold yet

[[drawing of flow diagram]]
cloth factory --cash?--> cloth merchant --credit fixed repayment dates --> confectioners --1) cash-receive in morning _ pay in after. 2) credit-receive + pay when next load received, usually next market day --> baked paper --credit?--> customers

[[/drawing of flow diagram]]

((Note that flow of credit one-way;  compare [?] batik put-out

[[flow diagram drawing]]
cloth factory --cash?--> Tjikro sochartos [two arrows flowing out]
                           ---dyed--cash paym.--> consumer
                           --- cloth given out [[strikethrough]] credit [[/strikethrough]] out w/ out paym. --> put out worker
[[arrow from put out worker to Tjikro sochartos]]--goods setor half paym. 

[[/end flow diagram drawing]]

with put out at one phase put-out worker actually giving credit to Tjokr's because setor painted cloth + only get 1/2 payment, rest dilunasi if setor next load ))

achmad sells thru pasars, not stores because he pays quality of his products only "sedang"

[[right page]]
-if goods for stores the kain must be ralus + the jahitan must also be halus
-the tailor + seamstresss at Achmads all young
-formerly Achmad was a "feskopes" atau "perantara"
i.e. someone a large penusaha sent out to contact bakul pasars - then when he knew enough he decided to go into business for himself (his father in another kind of business)
-are 15 boys + 26 girls working at Achmads; boys work on boys + children's clothes, girls on women's clothes
-Achmad has 24 machines, rents 10 of these at 900 Rp per mo.
has 4 mesin obras (edge-finishers), each 70W. - the sewing machines all foot pedal
-buruhare paid bosongags- each garment made by only 1 person from start to finish + Achmad says only use division of labor sewing in factories which