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Strategic since carving establishments scattered all up & down the road leading to & away from it
- some of the pengrajin and pengusaha still farm
- biggest establishments in Kec. Kota
- are wood traders both in town & in village areas
- wood sold via Peshutani from areas of Blout Lepu, e. Java, +/- 125 K. from Jepara
50% of Blora distinct still forested
is also some forest 17 miles from Jepara at Bangosi
-signif. no. of Jepara craftsmen have moved to Jakarta in areas of Pondok Pinang, Palace Gadung, Klender (Jl. Bekasi)
-Edy ngelani
-[[strike through]] 3 cubic kayu will be used by an average establ. in a busy month & can make 12 stel on slts of function from this
1 stel consists of 2 small and tables, 1 sofa, 1 coffee table, 3 regular chairs
-wood sold at auction still in form of logs (glondongan)

-1 cubic costs 30,000-40,000 Rp. if in log form
-if already cut 1 cubic costs 150,000-200,000
great difference in price not only because of labor but because of wastage in cutting planks
-best quality of jati exported by Perhutani and not available to local craftmen - this a complaint by Dinas Per. people
-woods scraps can be used for firewood - this is a small amt. since whenever possible small pieces used for joining work, ashtrays, etc.
-other types of wood used are sono keling and mauni (=mahoni=mahogany)
-short pieces of wood cheaper than long ((& presumably narrow cheaper than wide)) 
-loss from cutting about 25%
- cost of cutting 1 c. of 2 centimeter planks 8000 Rp ((this doesn't account for cost differences at top of page - added info, that cost of 1 cubic of planks which are

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