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CENTRAL JAVA SURVEY (contd from book 7 p120)
...about 100 persons form several depas incl. and Ngabrel & Ngasen who work bohongan for Pak Arifin
- best mahagony from roadsides ((?))
-and can stand any weather
-Arifin uses 60 cubic of wood a month @ 50,000-60,000 - this is the price for med. - quality wood which Arifen uses mainly
-makes living room, dining room, bedroom sets
-complete 5 'kinsman' or loads a month which is [not equal sign]60 pieces; sent to Jakarta,Tanjung Karang (S. Sumbatra) & Rider -
sells thru langganan stores-
sells basang Setengah jadi, ie not yet finished & stores do their own finishing, adding mirrors asseabling, etc.
- stores prefer to receive setengal jadi set can finish according to request of customers
- says a capital problem - Arifen if buys wood on credit must pay 25% extra
smaller establishments must often