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Page 36
-most of Areng sellers from Bangssi (-no charcoal making in Hadi Polo itself)
-to buy ticket for wood in forest, acc. to Hadi Polo people, only for twigs + sticks for cooking, can't cut logs for charcoal
-price of non unstable + rising - this past Jan. 85 Rp per K + now 150 Rp
-out of every week ave. pengusaha libas [unsure] 2 or 3 days due to cash flow problems
-most products sold thru Pasas. Kluioz in Kudus town - sometimes too bakuls come to the village to pick up
also sell to large tool hades in Semarang - sell in Sem. to Chinese who also sells for transmit-gration propram ((is this same Chinese we met with in Kajar)) - Edy has down name 'Jihanto' but unclear whether this the Chinese, the name of another interm, who sells to the Ch, on Edy's corruption of the Ch's name ((check Kayas notes))
-every peng has his own langganas
-no labor shortage in the village
("tidak sulit mencasi busuh")
a new busuh studies first as a panjak
cenpu earns between 1000-1500 Rp a day
panjak on panjak - ubab 400-800 depending on experience
(("this if use these cale. no profit after labor unless empu is also peng.))
-pangjaks stand up in Hadi Polo, not squat
-work hours 6-6
get full breakfast + lunch but only tea + snakc in late afternoon 
-ag. wages for males who careful in that area 300-400 Rp
-if a large order work overtime evenings
-are. perapen uses up 3 kikis per bulan @ 3000 Rp, US or Canada-made
-in Mar 1978 a course from PLK1 in Semanang
-have ever gotten help in form of grinda + tanggem (edge-grindes + vise - given via coop ((hence already is a coop, just no capital yet))
grinda is used if the ion or