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44 [[page one]]
- for cheapest torp use rattan dalam + can sell for 100 Rp each - items from kulit (outer) rattan sell for 500-3000 depending on size
- some specialization in tasks in households which are "mampu" ie hire fair no of buruh - in poorer HHS, however, one person commonly makes whole article
- main tool called a serutay, used for splitting rattan for lashings - a serutan has several holes for diff. sizes (?) + is bought in Semarang for 1500 Rp from a toko besil on Jalan Kojan - sizes on a serutan vary from 1 1/2 milimeter [[millimeter]] to 5 milim.
- rattan work they say is turun - temurun, i.e not a new industry there
- sources of rattan are Kalimantan + Palembang - Palembang rattan is whiter, more expensive, but breaks easily (muda putus)
- best sales just before fasting month (menjelang puasa), around Hari Kartinil (Apr 21 when many make pilgrimage to Kartini's birthplace at Kab. Jepara), around Sekaten, month of April

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when sugar crop in area sold + processed (pengilingan gula - we saw a lot of small processors at work in sheds in fields this trip)
in general sales good from March till 17 Aug (indep. day)
- all 40 pengusaha have same tanah garap
- rice area but no. of harvests variable depending on whether land located near the little river running thru + whether enough rain during the dry season to water the fields tadah hujan + keep river flowing
- during agr. season main active. agr., during non-agr. season main activity rattan
- some planting of kedelai, kacang jagung in dry season ((everywhere policy seems to be plant rice if you can, only plant polowijo if can't plant rice))
- at this time a lot of wereng + for last 2 years have gotten only 1/3 yields - in reply to Q if have gotten help from Dinas Pertanian, said yes, but [[obat?]] drop was too late