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46 [[page one]]
main tools other the serutan are shears + hammer
also kompor for heating rattan if want to bend
work hrs about 8-5, buruh do not overnight
seldom work evenings
- they consider kerajinan lighter work (lebih rinjan) than pertanian
- sometimes hard to find good grades or rattan in stores, but doesn't happen too often
- they all feel 50,000 Rp per year a proper credit level
- at present they have each only about 20,000 modal kerja
- if have modal while 1 person leaves village to sell others can be working in his absence
- they prefer that credit be given out in January so they can make preparations for busy season
- kompor (called a "burner") ((=small blowtorch)) is necessary for larger chairs - so for only 3 out of 40 producers have kompors most know how to make if have kompors
kompors suitable for rattan available

47 [[page two]]
from toko besi everywhere
- have been given training 3 times from Dinas [[Per?]], last time in furniture making
- not everyone attended these courses due to budget limits; courses held in neighboring village of Margoyoso, altho only 2 producers there + most of course participants from Teluk Wetan
- last course held this past January, teacher from Sukoharjo (Solo)
- [[crossed out]]there has never been a credit program there +[[/crossed out]] lurah declares if anyone defaults he will tanggung jawab - dinas per. has 2X made loans to rattan producers in the village @20,000, but none of those attending the meet today have ever received loans; loans 
- made from  APBD Kabupaten funds (APBD = Angaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah)
- pride of kompors:
6,000 Rp
8,500 Rp
12,000 Rp
- a story, not clear, that two of the workers "stolen" to Japan, ie went to Japan for 2 months to demonstrate rattan work at invitation P.T.