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Indojati but w/ out getting permission of Dept Industry first

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same day

visit to genteng village of Mayong Lor ((see book VIII, pp

- Kab : Jepara
  Kec : Mayong       Pak Suharlar
  Kal : Mayong Lor   Pak Sidik
  Dukoh : Benduwangen Kerajen
          Karang Tangging, Gdeget

all these dukohs have [[?]]. - acc. Pend total 270 KK but acc. to Pak Carik +/- 50 KK
- actually industries in Mayong are 3: genteng, grabah, remitan (= toys from clay ie banks small toy pots + pans)
-in neighboring kad of Mayong Kidul also genteng but not so much
- Mayong Kidul 241 KK + 87 grabah acc to Dinas
- acc to Pak Carik M. L. at least 60% of HH's made genteng
this is the pek pok + even if some tanah garap, agr is considered sambeh
more than half of genteng HH's 


have no tanah garap.
- generally use buruh mengambil tanah who are paid 1000 Rp a day
term "mesi" is used to refer to getting land (e.g., "Dia sedang mesi.")
land used for genteng 6-10 meters deep + deeper they dig, in general, the better the clay because the products made from deep clay "tidak muda putus"
clay used for grabah is grayer in color ("lebih putih") + only dep clay useable, while surface or deep can be used for tiles
- ins ome parts of the desa tanah not suitable, no matter how deep one digs
- best land on other side of rive, in Karang Panggung - a temporary bridge over (jambatan darurat) but not strong enough for grobaks
- in two desas down the road, Jati fari + Papringan, clay is available - about 3-4 K away - can be had  from there for free if have transport to carry
- Pak Kasri, the godfather of Mayong, picks up clay from there with a