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- fire w/ teak, 8000 genteng at a time, 2x a month
(thobong is round with a raisable roof so genteng form a kind of smokestack with a thatch roof raiseable on poles
- in rainy season use 30 pikul kayu per firing @ 650 in dry season 25 pikul @ 600
buy their wood in the market, 1 1/2K from the village
or buy from Itakul ider (less common) 
- use only a very small amt of dry materials
- tickets to collect wood 10Rp in the forst, only turgs and branches
- most of wood used is jati, but often other woods can also use
- acc. to them are no wood speculators in the village, ir people who buy dry and save for rainy.
- women mengangkut, mengengkan and mencetalk
- process:
1. mencampur (injek 2)
2. dikemplong (make sheets)
3. dicetak
4. disangarkan (set in rows on edge to dry out a bit)