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- last 10 years in the industry has been expanding
acc. to them because "penduduk bestambah dan kesempatan bekerja kurang"
- in dry season genting is pokok and in rainy season farming is pokok
- after 1950 2 harvests per year (selusan put in ?)
- first harvest Feb or Mar, 2nd Pay or June - polowijo after 2nd harvest
- this season no panen because wereng
has been wereng in the area
since 1975
- are 50 people in the village who find work as bakul kayu
- most of the genteng workers also sewa talhunan agr. land. outside the village - rate is 1 hectare. 90,000 - 100,000 - use leftover profits from genteng making for this purpose
- they prefer credit given out 3rd or 4th month
- no classes have ever been con-ducted in the village
- are also 50 tukand kayu (carpenters) and 3 mat - makers (any amzan) in the village
- no one in the village has ever gotten a BRI on bank loan
- in 1902 Blore 0 type par on 
[[?]] from village of Belor
- introduced by Pak Suro (now dead) - he is now called in village history "Pak Suro Genteng"
- those who order tiles from the village must usually wait 1/2 - 1 mo. before receive
are some villages who have transmigrated to Jambi
((bought 4 capings of Petreck type from village of Pulosejo nearby - called caping kerpak))

same day
Kab: Pati
Kec: Batangan
Kal: Kunisan
Dukoh: Kunisam and Pencil
next visited pande besi village of Kuniran
are 23 perapens in 2 dukahs (21 in Kunisan and 2 in Pencil)
each perapen has 3 or 4 pende
- 1 empu and 3 panjak, one who jumps up to abub