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[page 76]
month, price 2200@, most commonly from Canada
Pak sidik in the village sells kikins 
no one here uses genidas ( edge- grinders)
- if given tools, they request kikins 
- market in rembrang, by themselves
sell every day themselves by sitting in the market from very early morning until about 8:00 them they go home + produce
- acc to pack luvah most are afraid of banks
- pande besi tunum temunum
- are more peragens now that 10 years ago, but mulai [[berben]] [[lang]] in 1945
-[[?]] are all also tani + consider pande lesi as a samlen activity,
-accept  for the 2 large produced mentioned above
-soil lentility is medium + in fact the least in the kec, the kec. is poor in general
-in Kec Balangam are 18 desas which perman have used penguin semi - teknick incl. Kunisam

[page 77]

- harvest rice 2 to 3 times a year
- may plant polowijo after 2 midside harvest ( polowijo corn,cassanova, soy beans)
-buruh tani female get 200 Rp a day + eat 3x ((no figures from Edy on male))

= in rainy season divide time about casually between pande besi + petankan
= lovr. perapen libun about 5 days in [[?]].
They explained that they mix the capital used for pentanian + pande + do not keep them separately
-if they need money for pande often sell livestock on pade
- no tool shortages
-16 people in the village make bricks, 30 bamboo gedek
tempe 6, krupuk 5
- if 50k besi, can make 25 briyin cankul @ 1000 Rp
for same besi can make 100 arit @ 250 Rp or 50 bendo @ 500 Rp
for the fields, get paid [[?]] tani levels.