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78 [[page one]]
- easy to find buruh
- due to wereng only 10% harvest this season, for this season only
- no flooding
- only 1 or 2 people who rent [[tahunan?]] outside
- panjaks do not stand in holes, but anvil stuck in a log so raised - fire also raised on dirt platform
- buruh paid every day
- if they get credit request 200,000 on and ave.
- areng wrapped in jati leaves 600 per bungkus
- feet are shielded from fire sparks by coconut shells
now some notes from informal discussions or lurah before
some won also from Senarang
not clear whether Pak Yamin [[dagangs?]] besi or not
they can make finished + polished tools in the village, but there is no market for them - village people prefer rougher tools w/ cheaper price
BKK umum considered "agak keberatan"

79 [[page two]]
- an experiment in making bricks by Pak lurah - made 300,000 + was able to sell all - he would like develop this activity further

May 5, 1979
[[margin]]w/ Edy, Suporo, Hasyim[[/margin]]
visit to the handweaving village of Troso in Gepara
Kab: Gepara
Kal: Troso

exists a cooperative ih the village with 90 pengusaha as members - exists another perhaps 10 peng. who are not members of the coop
in this category)
they may not be doing all production processes e.g. they may be doing only the weaving while warping, dying, threading up etc. done elsewhere
4. buruh, who work in someone elses HH and are not coop members
all this represents a first guess

Transcription Notes:
break in page two before "in this category)" - content from page 81, not 79 (copying error?)