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working capital for 10 large 
peng. very high ((for this 
reason we are excluding from PDP 
credit project))
for four of the peng. at the
meeting we got these figures: 
1. 15 ATBM, white cloth only - 
4 million a month
2. 18 ATBM, Bali cloth - 
2 1/2 million a month 
3. 40 ATBM, gold stripe - 
6 million 
4. 40 ATBM, diff. kinds - 
4-5 million

these 10 are used to getting 
BRI loans under the KMKP 
program - on ave. 2 mil. at 
a time, w/ 3 mil the largest 
ever taken out - use house + 
land for loan guarantees 
AGR: some peng, have tanah garap, 
some don't - when have they 
never work themselves but 
always hire ag. buruh ("pasti
get one on two rice harvests a year in 
the area
weaving is pokok for them + 


1 hektar = 10,000 M2 = 2.47 = 1/100 k2

they saw when the weaving is macet, 
nobody works ("kalau tenun 
macet semua tidak ada pekerjaan")
((remember, however, all peng. at are 
meeting large - small may or may not
be more involved in agr)) 
- pop. desa 11,000 people, 2400 
size of desa 600 hektar (so 
density is 1833 per sq. K) 
Pak Lurah estim that 50%
of the people have no tanah

are 1000 people in the desa who regularly 
migrate out (merantau) looking
for wage labor as far as Jakarta
and Sumatra - these are all 
men - they find work as ditch 
diggers (mengali saluran) 
carpenters, etc. 
usually stay away about 2 mo 
at a time - Pak Lurah explained
that they usually have to borrow
money from a neighbor when 
they set out on their meragtau  &
then after about 2 mo. they 
return to pay back the money 
and visit their families
- they have had rat infestations 
in their fields for the last 4 years.