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in to form diagonal plaid patterns
- in Oct 78 these tikar - makers received some training from Dinas Per.
not at present, however, making any product from welingi except likar
- training course also included some info on bamboo-weaving, but this not being used
20 women + 5 men attended the course
- welingi strips boiled with dye to give color - dyes are 'winter' (hot-water) dyes, also called sumba (o)
are three markets where dyes can be obtained + where women take their mats to sell
  a. pasan Prawoto, 2 K in front of desa on road coming
  b. Babalan - 7 K
  c. Kalirejo - must take a prahu across the swamp to reach

each pasar open (ramai) only 2 days a week so that the women rotate
- are several sizes of tikar:
  - smallest: 2x / M takes 1 1/2 days to make, sells for 200 Rp


- largest 5 x 2 1/2, takes 7 days to make, sells for an ave. of 750 (700 plain, 800 w/ color stripes)

((this inform. from ibu lurah - stopped by another house in village where old woman told us it takes her 10 days to make a mat 4 M long if she works full time, 15 days if only samben))

some tikar makers also pay neighbors to collect welingi - pay 750 per pikul + neighbor only helps if specific request
1 pikul enough to make 6 large tikar
most women, however, collect their own welingi
some of tikar sold to individuals for own use, but some sold to bakuls who buy to resell
- colts won't come into the village which is about 1/2 hr. off the main road over a deeply-rutted path wide enough for only one vehicle; road goes up and down over steep hills at one point on the way back opening out to