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Kec. Geger, Bangkalar
appears maily a family industry ("pergrayin 2 yang pada umumnya juga be statues selragai pengusaha")
-an ave. peng. can produce 16,000 genteng in 3 mo. which gives him earnings of 150-200 a day
-lunch get 100-250 a day + 1 meal -upah depends on what type of lunch they are
-almost all the gentleng made one of ave. quality, selling for 850-900 Rp per 1060 (not genteng pres)
-market mainly on Maduna, but also a portion (to Java (esp. surabaya)
-whether sell directly to a customer who picks up from the village, on lakul, do not sell on credit but usually cash in full (tunai)
-[[strikethrough]] next [[\strikethrough]] owing to large amount of new building going on , both private + government, seldom have problems with marketing
-several people already have alot gentevy pres, but hasn't [[strikethrough]] spent [[\strikethrough]] spread higher than with hand-made genteng
-at present 80% of working capital used for wages to barah cetak
+ penggali due to fact very little technology used (i.e. only the few alat pres)
-goon has provided instruction in use of MDF but problem is that supplies of the fuel are often 5-10 days late
-is some awareness of management, e.g. division of labor
no separation made between private needs + needs of the business
-apparently work only onorders ("didjalankan hanya atas dasan permintaan")
[[left margin]] budget: 29, 170,000 over 5 years | | [[\left margin]]
-program proposed:
1. private tools  + mechanical equipment (mesin pencetak + kompon) to 25-30 pengusaha
2. make fuel available at coop depots
3. small business management course to 25-30 pengusaha 
progrma starts in Bangkalan + moves to a new kalmpatan lach year
-are a total of 107 perapens scattered over the 4 kabapatens
-new material is scrap non bought at pasan sunabaya for R 15,000 perquintal
-Dimas Perind. also supplies some help in form of "feeder point."
-no mechanization, all hand tools
-prod. includes kitchen tools (pesau, arit, jangkan) + agr. tools (parcul, sekop + mata bajak)