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   duction unit

- are a total of 1349 households on 
Madura which do ? leaf
weaving (anyaman daun siwalan) -
are another 90 persons who find
work as pedagang pengumpal
also an industry done mainly
as sambilan by older women from
farm families + which provides low
main product is tikar
- returns for person who owns 100 trees
about 1000 Rp per mo. - ?
earn about same
pedagang / pengumpul can earn quite
a lot, however, because they can
at times ("dalam masa-masa
musim berakhir" -?) push profits 
up to 100% of price paid to ?
- close relation between anyaman
siwalan industry + the siwalan sugar
both carried out from april-october
when ? (palm sap_ is tapped +
when work in fields stops (i.e. dry
((thus a dry season industry, not yearround))
in dry season production period one family
can complete 10 tikar a week, with
measurements of 6 1/2 X 9 1/2 feet each ((2 X 3 meters))
curiously report says that altho [[although]] time for
picking leaves + getting sap same,
not all families can do both owing to 
"their weakness in the market" ("? 
kedudukan terhadap pasasan") - generally
must specilize in one or the other
((can sugar makers sell their leaves to
tikar makers? can tikar makers sell their sape to sugar makers?))
-main use of ? mats is for 
wrapping (bunkusan) tobacco, salt, salt 
fish + the ? sugar itself
-based on production figures of these
goods report estimates still a possibility
for expanding market of ? mats
-main problem, acc. [[according]] to this rpt [[report]], is that
3 or 4 moths between main production
and main consumption season (( based on 
uses above can guess main consumpt. [[consumption]] at end
of dry season)) which allows pedagang
pengumpul to main ?
-price to the ped. [[pedagang]] peng. [[pengumpul]] at about
35,000 Rp a month as compared w [[with]] 1000
a mo. [[month]] for tree owners