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22 in addition 9 pedagang pengumpul
-are two types of [[?]] made and different figures given for each type:

A. nets made of green and whit nylon and which also use other raw materials (baham baku penolong) such as wood and bampoo pieces/chips for weights, tin, foam rubber and heavy nylon twine
is a sambidan done mainly by women and children of fishing families in desa Sampean (are 200 persons making this type of net wt total production per year of about 1000 complete nets (jala lengkay)
earnings per worker ave. about 75 Rp a day
one net lakes 3 months to make and sells to the trader for 8450 -trader then resells for abotu 10,000 Rp, making a profit of about 18%
trader usually supplies new materials
for a trader who 'has' 20 pengrajin, profits are about 400 Rp a day MEMPUNJAI
B. nets made fo seret agel, a plant native to Madura