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to increase participation of women in
PDP projects.
2. tikar are generally marketed through pasaro; hats, purses, carpets through tokos - conversion will therefore require opening up some new marketing links (are you sure market isn't flooded at the time with these items?)

PR 4 - Project "kios" in desa Langkap, kec Burneh, Kab. Bangkalan for emping makers

- in Kec. Burneh are 320 persons making emping (chips from blinjo seeds), 122 of these living in desa Langkap
- work is seasonal since blinjo only avail. 6 mo. a year
- one person can convert 1 K of new blinjo into 1/2 K emping in one day
- blinjo seeds cost 250/K + spend another 25 Rp per K for firewood = 275 Rp
- emping sells for 400 Rp per half K, so 125 Rp profit a day
- the industry controlled by tengkulaks who market the emping to Surabaya + other cities for 1000-1250 per K, making a profit of 200-450 Rp per K before deducting for transport

-ijon system also used w/ tengkulaks buying while the blinjo is still on the trees ('diborong tengulak waktu masih di pohon')
from Kec. Burneh alone prod. of blinjo [[strikethrough]] at least 100 tons a season; desas Parseh + Jaddih in Kec. Socah also produce large quantities of blinjo
apparently some of blinjo used for making emping is bought rather than from [[strikethrough]] own trees, because [[/strikethrough]] one of the functions of kios is to buy up supplies of blinjo + distribute to members

[left margin] budget 6,575,000, all used final year

program proposed:
1. after some motivation training given by Dinas Perindustrian, the emping makes will be organized under a 'proyek Kios' (kios = seller stand - no actual stand being built here so this is a euphemism for a marketing coop)
2. capital will be given to the kios to buy 10 tons of [[strikethrough]] blinjo a year (250,000 Rp a ton = 2.5 M) - blinjo will be bought during season, but distributed to member over whole year so that what