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(contd from page 51)
steamer (dandang), 2 large wajan, a built-in tungku ((=hearth, charcoal stove)) and work place, and a "kompos tekan"
this donated equipm. accts for 2.7 mil of the total budget
not clear from DUP whether equipm. donated only  for use of HH where located, or whether each of the 10 becomes a center for a larger workgroup ((rather think the latter - in fact not even clear whether located in HH's, tho obviously has to be located on somebody's land)) - also not clear whether donated outright, on hak pinjam (last 2 steps on the operational plan are to, (12) buy more equipm and expand locations (13) determine way and conditions for returning the equipm)

3. additional budget items are for 
(a) a project supervisor (petugas [[?]] pengawas) who will work the entire 4 years and be paid 25,000 Rp a month, 
(b) 6 instructors who apparently come out 1 day each (or 2 instructors who come out 3 days each - conflicting info. on different pages)
(c) purchase of tapioca (300K) and spices, coloring for use in training/demonstration
purpose of training to improve quality of krupuk and increase (rate of) output