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making petis divided among 15 units ((households))
each unit produced 6 - 8 K petis a month and is hoped w/ this project can raise output to 12 - 15 K a month; incomes for petis producers are 10,000 per [[pengrajin?]] per mo (i.e. 20,000 per unit) and is hoped this project can raise incomes to 18,000 a mo.
market for petis good enough, ace to DVP, and besides supplying local needs are able to sell to other areas

program proposed:
budget for project 1,015,500 over 4 years, 835,500 to be spent first year
1. most of project funds to purchase 10 kompor pumpa (@40,000) + 10 large wajan (@20,000)= 600,000
- is not exolaines exactly how these items will improve quality, raise ouput, employment + incomes, but these claims all made for the project.
- is also claimed that kompor pumpa + wajan are appropriate technology (teknologi serasi)

-as in project 9 appears aid must be returned- since unlikely equipment 1ill be recalled after 4yrs, prob means is a form of credit
2. a project superior (tenaga pengautas/penuyluh) will be hired for entire 4 yrs at rate of 15,000 Rp a mo
again not clear what this person's duties will be or wether will be a village or someone from the Dinas'

3. is again stated that project beneficiaries will form a klompok which will manage the aid being given thru the Dinas. 
note, however, that the rencana operational is identical with that of project 9 (omittin 2 training items); therefore 'capable+dynamic' project supervisors + personnel will be selected ((by whom?)) + a committee will be formed to sselect project participants

4. as under projects 9+10 many details not stipulated but to be determined later in consultation with kalrupaten PDP team, ie.
       a. how equip to be bought
       b. criteria for project participants
       c. how products to be marketed
       d. how profits to be divided