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my comments: 1. where will firewood for brick & tile industries come? Wouldn't a planting program of fast-growing [[?]] materials on a [[?]] program be a better long-term solution?
2. How is the charcoal situation for smiths in [[Robotal?]]?
3. Will the raw materials be turned over to indiv. or groups? If later, do groups [[? ?]] or will they be given hep in forming groups?

[left margin] PR 14:
(Pamekasan DUPs are very incomplete.)

[left margin] PAMEKASAN

project to assist 6 krupuk puli units in desa Lanangan Tokol, 1 vulcanerized [[?]] tire unit in desa Panglegun, and 1 wooden furniture unit in desa Gugul - all located in Kec. Tlanakan

the krupuk units are. 5 workers each; likewise the tire & furniture enterprise each have 5 workers
pop. of each of the kec. increasing by 6% a yr. & hence need employm. ((!))

project arms to increase earnings of workers from 75 Rp a day to 125 Rp, &

earnings of pengusaha from 1000Rp a day to 1500

 [[underlined]] program proposed:[[/underlined]] (budget 12,000,000 Rp over 4 yrs, 3M of which to be spent 1st yr.)

no work plan given at all & can only deduce from budget:

 [[left margin]] 60,000 for 'survey'

1. 525,000 for ganji dam upah, mostly for Dinas staff  [[crossed out]] but 75,000 listed as "diklat" so presumably a training course
2. 50,000 listed as raw materials, not stated what, but 100,000 Rp of this for use during diklat
3. 775,000 for tools & equipment, 75,000 of all this to be used during diklat
4. 124,000 transport materials
5. 225,000 transport dinas staff
6. 150,000 miscl.
7. 250,000 'konstruksi' ie working capita; (modal kenja)

my comments: 1. 25% of budget for honorasiums to vaised dinas staff & their transport costs - aren't there guidelines on this? isn't this too high a percentage
 [[left margin]]  1st yr only! in 4 yrs 3 mil goes for this