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2. what is the content of the diklat?
3. what kind of tools + equip? if same budget meht 3 yrs will be spending total of 3.1 mil. on this, not inch transport. 
4.- what kind of vaw mat?
5. what quasantee do you have that your 8 entrepseneuns [[?]] will raise wages - on are workers getting price notes
6. DUP must spell put implem steps + how these will leas to achievement of goals - not done here

[[side notes]] desa Bondugan [[side notes]]
[[side notes]] in Bondugan only 100 workers + [[side notes]]

PR15. [[circle]] limitated [[circle]] usually four projects in one, all located in Kuc. Pakong
[[circle letter]] a [[circle letter]] first a project for batu putih cautters-acc. to the proyuk design sheet they use brad. methods + major prob. is lace of capital
while store used in the area as a pubstitude for fired bata merak-also bata merak cost 4 times as much as batu putih + available only in dry season (in vairy ned brick puce goes up to 12,500 per 1000)
in whole bakupaten are 10-15 batu pitih units, each needing ((''memerluban'')) following, amits of labor:  

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note:all proyek designs signed by Bupati, not head of industries kab:- designated pemimpin proyek in bupati. 

1. 3 pengali, paid @Rp 750 a day
2. 2 pembentuk, paid @ Rp 500 a day
3. 20 pengangkut, paid borogan Rp 1000 per 1000 balu carried from quawy site to side of the road. 
1 unit can produce 1250 batuputih a day-is hoped thru usea a letter equipment (''peralatan lebria braik'') provided by project whis can be raised to 2000 a day + each unit can add more laboners- also that market will expand + product can be sold for 6000 Rp per 1000 batu (componed wt present price of 4000 Rp per 1000) - it is hoped that with expanding markets will come increased earnings for individuals laborers
since batu mesak use firewood + batu putik don't, will help penghijauan
[[circle]] b [[circle]] second a project for slaked limepro ducends in dosa Klompang Barat is a day season only industry, being carried out in a trad. way (''sistern tradicionil'')
are 3 units to be helped by project, employing total of 30 workers-each ''dapun'' (kiln, ''kitchen'') produces 

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