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3-5 cubic meters of slaked lime per firing & fires once every 15 days - hence prod. levels quite low 

is hoped that thru this project will be able to fire once every 10 days + will use larger dapur with capacity of 25 M^3 - quality of [strikethrough/] fir? [strikethrough] lime will be better & firing faster -

since trad system uses firewood + new system will use solar, will help penghijauan

thru project is hoped that larninp per laborer will increase from Rp 200 a day to Rp 450

(c) third a project for furniture producers in desa Kompang Timur - are 4 units "whose levels of capitalization & skill quite low" - means can't use top quality raw materials or orient themselves to designs popular in the cities

- work is not continuous & only produce when get an order ("secara panggilan") - each unit employs 3 workers as follows: 
    1 tukang, paid Rp 600 a day

    1 pembantu, paid Rp 300 a day

    1 pekerja biasa, paid Rp 200 a day

thru this project hoped that quality of product can be improved, that

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capital + new mat. can be supplied more smoothly, that price obtained for furniture higher, that prod. can be continuous, that variety of prod. increased, that more labor can be absorbed

(d) fourth a project for blacksmiths - are 4 units in desa Somalang, each employing 3 persons - produce mainly sabit & pisau - production not continuous but coincides with market cycle ((?pada hari 2 tertentu saja - pasaran))

estimates total capital investment per unit about 50,000 Rp

thru project hope to increase no of prapens in desa from 4 to 10, + hence increase no. of workers from 12 to 40 - hope to introduce peralatan 'tepat guna' + organize pande besi into a sort of coop (word used is 'organisasi')

tools made are forged ("secara tempa" -from word "tempa" meaning 1. dagger or 2. to forge or 3. to make daggers, knives, etc -- "penempa" is a smith)