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Program proposed: must be deduced mainly from budget, since no rencand [[?]] operationil
a. Batu pultik cutters apparently get equipment
b. gamping producers get 2 new ovens, which will use 31 workers each, as follows:
      4 tenaga baka (firers)
      4 tenaga pembantu (helpers)
      6 masons (("to make & tear 
          down" = "memuat + bongkar [[?]]" -
          ? not clean))
      3 women to pack in plastic bago
      15 stone collectors = pengumpul batu
new ovens use polar-cost ovens 300,000 each & 1 [[strike]] 2 [[/strike]] tangki minyak baka @ 150,000 provided to each oven
c. apparently furniture produces &  get mainly diklat
d. apparently pmiths get equipment for 6 new perapens, some [[strike]] enter [[/strike]] type of intermed. technology, some raw material as sistance (thru "sistem feeder point" - also possibly diklat & marketing assistance which will enable them to bypass tengkulaks ("mencegah sistem tengkulaks")

[[left margin]]
total budget 12,000,000, of which 4M to be used 1st yr [[year]]
[[/left margin]]


budget break-down for 1st yr only:
   survey: 80,000 Rp
   gaji dan upah: 380,000 (9 1/2 %)
   feeder point: 2,400,000 (60%)
   diklat: 600,000 
   "operasionil": 540,000 (not explained)

feeder point item breaks down to 1M for raw mat & 1.4M for peralatan & mesin

my comments: 1. wherever a plan to give equipment should be stated in DIP type of equipment to be given - mentions will given teknologi tepat guna: are there any criteria for evaluating whether a particular piece of equipment is tepat guna or not? possible criteria-
   1. does not damage environment &/or reduces 
   present damage 
   2. does not cause unemployment
   3. increases savings or has some other 
   positive benefit
   4. can be imitated
   5. is avail. from local founduis [[?]] or 
   workshops, or can be made by producers 
   themselves from local materials