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at rate of 6% a year & hence need employment opportunities

also that general wage levels are 75 Rp a day for workers & 1000 Rp for pengusaha - with this project hope to raise to 125 & 1500 Rp respectively (last project said same) 

[underlined/] Program proposed [underlined] : (budget is 10M over 4 yrs, of which 2.5M for first year)

no rencana operasionil [operational?], so can only deduce a bit from budget listings:

a. survey -50,000 Rp

b. gaji dan upah, [strikethrough/] 390,000 [strikethrough] incl. diklat trainers 525,000 (21%)

c. "feeder point" 1.5M divided into 700,000 for raw mat ("bahan bahan" & 100,000 for peralatan & mesin & 700,000 for konstruksi

d. 300,000 for diklat, not incl. trainers

my comments: 1. [underlined/] must [underlined] have a rencana operasionil 

2. [strikethrough/] get [strikethrough] good that Pamekasan projects have survey phase - who will do survey, how will be organized, what kind of info. are looking for?

3. is hoped that tusi & petes units

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don't encourage use of finer mesh by fishermen - need to look into possible environmental effects

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PR 17:
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projects to help salt makers & fish net makers in kec. Pademawu, Kab. Pamekasan

are 100 hectares of tambrak ((ladong)) garam in desas Dasuk & Majungan - produce 30-50 tons salt a year - are 40 units 150 pengrajin in the 2 desas - produce "garam curai" = loose salt = garam rakyat

seasonal production

are 40 HH with total of 150 pengrajin making nets in desas Majungan & Pagagan - this prod aparantly [apparently] continuous

[underlined/] program proposed [underlined] : salt villages will be given 800,000 working capital & 150,000 Rp [strikethrough/] pm [strikethrough] pump (this both termed 'feeder point') also apparently diklat

HH making nets will get 800,000 in materials & working capital, 50,000 in

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total budget 12M, of which 3M for 1st 
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