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to reach plan to give a pendidikan and latihan course there, to start as soon as weather and road conditions permit dropping of the iron
as all projects in Bangkan will be carried out through LSD - plan to use "system revolving"; formed into a klompok under LSD; members get iron[[?]] from LSD on credit and may sell products by self or through LSD - as soon as pay off one iron credit can get more iron
LSD, we were told, takes "less than 10%": 
                       administrative 3-4%
                       ongkos 2 - 3%
                       rest profit for LSD
((see above pp 35-38 for description DVP)) ((budget greatly reduced in DIP from 1,749,000 for first year to 260,000 and no. of perapens participating from 10 to 9 - apparently study tour to Kesamben dropped and remain plan to supply iron Thru KUD))


9 perapen owners will be organized in klompok (3 workers each) - this out of total 21 perapens in Bates
-in pendidikan and latihan, Pak wants to teach them to discriminate between different qualities of iron
-acc. Pak they now work standing with raised paron
-use scrap iron (besi roso) but also sometimes rel
-files from Canada
-products: arit rumput
using areng jate from Killbung area about 21 K. away
head of the klompok will be chosen by klompok members
the coop man from the kab. says klompok formation is difficult on Madura - a term to use for small klompoks which is acceptable to the people "masih dicare"
next to Pak Bupati digressed to tell us something general about his scheme to develop villages thru LSD (Lembaga Sosial Desa) - explained that LSD has both social and economic