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the famous pandanus center of Tasikmalaya in W. 
Java - were accompanied by head of Dinas, 1 field worker &

trip took place March 14-16;

stayed in [strikethrough/] sus [strikethrough] kec. Rajapola at
enterprise of Pak Susing who
has "cabango" ((sales outlets?))
in Australia, Canada + US

- in Rajapola pengrajin make
woven sheets + finished products
made at house of Pak Susing;

Pak Saidi admires products of Tasik but doesn't want same thing to happen in Konang

a sewing machine will also be given under PDP project to klompok (already bought)

new course with PDP funds will be for 20 students; will include the 5 taken to Tasik as "katalisator" (catalysts)

Pak Saidi using own money brought back examples of various kinds of [strikethrough/] proj [strikethrough] products from Tasik; notes that the students from Konang were "kagun" to see all the things made in Tasik

there are plans to build an LSD kiosk

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for pandanus weavers in Konang; will have 3 functions:
1. pemasaran (marketing)
2. penyediaan pandan (supplying pandanas)
3. permodalan (capilatizing)

source of pandanus from area around Konang and neighboring desa of Kelbung, kec. Gales

pandanas is not planted but grows wild on hill slopes; however pandanas plants have owners

next Pak Sak Saidi listed possible sites for 2nd year projects:

1. genteng industry in desas Konang & Bandun, kec. Konang

2. pandai besi in desa Sen Asen, kec. Konang

3. krupuk udang industri in desa Kwanyar Barat, Kec. Kwanyar (south coast)

4. genteng industry in desa Dapok, kec. Kokop

5. pandaras weaving in desa Kampak, kec. Geger