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- next Pak Saidi outlined staffing at Dina's TII

Pak Saidi
4 admin. staff
2 léknik
     a. Tanjing Bumi - batik
     b. Geger - genteng
     c. Socah - kapur
3 Penyuluh Lapangan Pengrajen
     a. kewedanaan Sepulu
     b. "          Kwanyar
     c. "          Blega

((note: TPL are financed by BIPIK and stationed at BIPIK centers; PLP are financed by daerah + stationed at kewedanaans w/ responsibility for all industry villages in that kewed: for Repelita III govn. planning to provide 750 new PLP thruout country, at each kecamantan)) are 40 motorcycles for 13 staffers [[crossed out]] above, plus old car kept supplied with gas by Pak Bapati
area of Bangladesh 300 M²

were also advised to stop and [[crossed out]] shipbuilding and the PDP perikanan project at Tanjung Bumi
Pak Bupati notes they need a shipbuilding dock at T.B but will cost 100 million to build - should be able to handle 150 ton ships carrying 150 cows
Perikanan supplying "motorise" packets to T.B. fisherman, 3 of which financed by PDP - one packet consists of:


note that a lot of Madurese men merantau in non-agr. seasons, esp. to Surabaya looking for work

same day began our fieldwork in Bangsalan with a trip north to the Tanjung Bumi area

stopped first at the Pusat Pelayanan Teknik Batik Tulis in town of T.B. itself