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have used 100 karungs.
- bricks take 5 days to fire while genteng take 1 day -
-berambut takes longer time to burn since less air spaces
- when they mix wood & mats they use 50 small bundles of wood (gulungan) & 1/4 truk mats.
wood is usually jati stumps but if they have other wood around village will use it
2 gulungan of wood cost 70 Rp
- bricks take 2 days to cool
- if have large firing (linggian) wood not bought by gulungan but by cubic meter
- wood usually jati but may be rubber tree as doyo- doyo seems to be a general word for lower grades of wood
if a firing of 20,000 bricks use 15 cubic meters of wood - ordered wood from sellers who brought it in from Jepara mainly, also Lasem & Bangsri
-land not rotated but used continuously for clay digging

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BL [[right arrow all in red ink]]

[[left margin]] Aug 9 w/ John [[/left margin]]

visited next blacksmithing village of Kuniran in Pati
salt water canals are 'rusak' this season + under repairs so salt prod. down
blacksmiths altho close to ocean do no fishhooks, anchors 
visited house of Pak Yamin
- files sold for scrap iron (roso)
- no grindas in the village [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]]
- [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethroough]] we saw a rotary padi thrasher introd. 2 seasons ago from Jepara area
make them themselves from wood, nails, used bicycle + motorcycle spare parts.
padi thrasher takes place of slapping on mats 
estimated cost of making 1 was [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]]7-8 Rp 
there are now 10 of them in the village
they are indiv-owned + people use for their own harvests mainly 
they usually hire a  young 'unemployed' boy to operate in the field + pay 600 Rp a day 
can [[strikethrough]] handle [[/strikethrough]] produce 1 kwintal gabah - 
afterwards gabah taken to a slep