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masinal= mechanical

assistance from the government
in supplying new material, industry began to grow rapidly(medonjak)and type of products made expanded to include sarongs

[[left-margin]] p9 [[/left-margin]]
in 1974 govn. began training 
program for the 'uneducated' hose weaves
training thru BIPIK & Koperasi - 
as of Jan 80, 7 courses (pengtaran)
Carried out on such subjects as 
weaving technology, dyeing
technology, management, design, etc.

since 74 type of products made
has expanded so that in addition
to sarong are making "kain 
strip (glitter), and Sumba and
Bali style ikats
[[left.margin]] p10 [[/left-margin]]
On 1977 govn./gedung percontohan set up a demonstration center which contained an ATBM Dobby, an ATBM which was 140cm wide, a Mesin Hani Masinal ((mechanical warper ??)) and a Mesin Kelos Masinal ((bobbin winder mechanical))

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pamphlet estimates that 80% of pengrajin do weaving full-time nowadays, while 20% as sanbilan

average monthly production figures are:
[[ left margin]] (1 piece +/- 3M) [[/left margin]]         
1. Sumba style 5000 pieces (potong)  18          
2. Bali style 35,000 meters  5% 46%                 
3. blaco gayor/polos (plain) 16,000 meters   21%
4. misc. 11,000 meters   14.5%

[[ledt-margin]] p11 [[/left-margin]]
amount of thread village uses per 
month averages:
1. thread no. 40/2     37.5 bal
2. thread no. 20/5     23.5 bal
3. thread no. 30/5     15   bal
4. thread no. 42/2      8   bal

raw materials

big pengusaha buy [[strikethrough]] raw [[/strikethrough]] yarn directly from pasar Klewer in 
while small producers get yarn on credit in Kudus, paying a bit more
cotton, rayon and polyester yarns are all used nowadays
three dyes most commonly used are maphthal, dirck and procion dyes