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notes from discussion w/ [[underline]] Rens Luiden-Heringa [[underline]] on villages of Imogiri and Tuban

when Rens visited Imogiri (Girirejo village) in 1975, [[?]]lurah's[[?]] wife [[arrow pointing right, to left margin of next page]] still dying other peoples pieces w/ indigo and [[?]]mengkudu[[?]]
by 78 had stopped due to a stroke
- tritik (white dots on an indigo background) from a village near Imogiri, possibly [[?]]Pocung[[?]]
- says inhabitants of Girirejo all [[?]]abdidalarn[[?]] kraton Solo and hence trad. motifs are Solonese court motifs i.e. real semen and semen Rama (latter typically Solo)
only after Jaman Jepang did they have double allegiance to courts of Solo and Jogja
still get some orders from the court

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most done
today on
only finest
were dyed
by lurah's

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in Tuban area, following terms used:
1. kelengan - white dots on indigo background
2. putihan - indigo dots on white background
3. lawon - homespun and home woven cloth to be used as a

based for batik (also called mori Jawa)
4. lawe - homespun yarn
5. tukang medel - indigos dyers
term mori of Indian origin and only after import of Indian more utas lawon referred to a mori Jawa

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(mother of
new lurah)

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one type of kelengan made in Tuban is called Keshatruja - possibly a prajint cloth
Rens notes that Tuban an area of strong Hindu influence
Ch. sources indicate Tuban is the oldest pasisir town - grew to importance before others, but also began to decline be the others
((Ingrid notes that Japanese entered Java in 1942 at Tuban))

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harbor in
11th C.

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Rens showed me a couple of old salendangs from Tuban - cloth much finer than that being woven today
notes that several steps in cloth and yarn prep. (including ngemplong) are left out today

3 types of cloth made in Tuban: