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[[Inside hand drawn box]] FIELD VISIT TO ACEH
Feb 13-22]], 1980 [[Inside hand drawn box]]

[[left margin note]] Wed 2/13/80 w/ Steve Minty, USA 10 team, [[?Tavanlaar?}}

visited small brown sugar factory near PDP cane project - employs 5 workers - processing cane from govn-owned fields to which they given [[?usufruct?]] 
cane fed thru generator-powered small cane crusher housed in a small work-shed; juice comes out plastic hose on side of shed into wajan (termed there "kuali") - juice not strained before cooking 
roofed over area with earth ovens where juice boiled down into a molasses-like syrup
one kuali costs Rp 15,000
this sugar factory still new + certain operations, e.g. pouring the cooked syrup into barrels need improving (much syrup poured on ground)
factory bought as Perkebunan project by Bupati through a langganan; Tavy complains that the crusher too small for the amt. of cane planted - need