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called I.D.A.P who want to supply furniture and handicrafts to foreign concessionaires in the Aceh area

one, a bright young Dutchman named Joost de la Rive Bok, is based in Darulsalam (Darussalam?)

I learned that Pak Hasyim M.D. occupies Soeponos slot in Aceh, i.e. he is the Department of Industry's man in charge of PDP- unfortunately he will be attending a required P4 (Panca Sila) course daytimes for the duration of my visit and will not be able to accompany me to the field. 

Ibu Hayatun described a provincially planned project for rattan workers; workers were sent last Feb & Mar (one year ago) for a course in rattan techniques in Medan- was a two month course - 5 persons were sent from kabupaten Aceh Besar and 5 from kabupaten Aceh Barat (the 2 PDP kabupatens)- Ibu has no written evaluation or follow-up of this first-year provincial project, but she 

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says that I can check with Pak M. Ali P., the project bendaharawan (treasurer)

Ibu also discussed briefly a tingkat II Aceh Besar project for salt makers
unlike Central Java, tingkats I & II both have own projects - tingkat II projects do not have to be cleared thru tingkat I Dinas Perindustian, but are cleared directly through Bappeda
Ibu Hayatun did not seem to know much about the tingkat II projects & she said to check with Jr. Nasrun in Bappeda who would know more
head of planning (perencanaan) tingkat I is Pak Sutadi Dr M. Ali Makmud is head of tingkat II for Aceh Besar (Tavy has negative comments on this person, as does Ibu herself)

the tingkat II & I staffs were given a 1-week course about PDP last June called "latihan Roka Karya" - course was given by Bappeda's Bagian Pengendalian (lit. "Control")