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purpose of the survey to provide info used as basis for giving assistance (when?) with processing + marketing honey at present variable in quality + DVP says that eating too much of the bananas can "cause problems in the throat/esophagus" ("gangguan pada kerongkongan(?)"
budget: 500,000 of which entire amt. requested 1st yr.
project head: Haudtun (?)
details: project to be carried out in Kec. (?) Kaway XVI, A. Barat. entire budget to be spent on (?) (travel) for the 2 officials/field staff who will carry out the project-says "untuk masing 2 petugas/komodite" ((does this mean they are each getting a motorcycle?))
from discussion: want to improve cleanliness + packaging. Neither Hasjim nor head of planning familiar (with details of the project)

C. Proyek Pendidikan dan Latihan Memproduski Spora Jamur (Mycillium) (Project to (?) training in Production of Mushroom Spores)
- 3 persons will be sent to Bogor for a month each to receive this training (1 person from Balai Penelitian Kimia Aceh + 2 from Divas Pestanian) (?)
Project head: Hayatun
Details: some equipment (sterilizing + warming oven + bottles) worth 250,000 will also be bought + kept at Balai Kimia.
After training officials will actually produce mushrooms at Balai Kimia + distribute in both provinces.
Of 1 million budget is also 150,000 Rp for living expenses while in Bogor (?) (@ 50,000 Rp) + 477,000 for round trips - rest misc.
From discussion: 3 people who receive training will return + teach TPL - TPL will do actual spreading. 
Will be follow-up of some kind.

D. Proyek Research + Development Nilam: (R&D project for plant used to make patchuoly oil)
Looking for a "sypten ketel penyulingah" ("suling" = clistilling or se-