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1095 Rp Left per day

1 kaloeng= 16 kilograms

C. Proyek Peningkat Pengembangan Industry Kecil / Kenaagion Rakyat (Project to increase the Devleopment of Small Industries/Handicrafts)

budget: 6,500,000 for one yr (are credit projects + while all the credit given out in one year, repayment takes place over 3 years)

project head: director BPD Aceh
I. kredit for blacksmiths rencong makers in Kec's Sukamakmart Darul Jmarah (kampongo Bait + Lamblang), with total of 36 pengrajin
(rencong the traditional achenese knife, shaped like a character letter of the arabic alphabet, I think the character for Bismilah)


each of the 2 kec. has its own klompok
each klompok given 768,000 Rp worth of goods
this divided among 12 workplaces with 3 workers each; presumably the workplace owner is the masabah (but this is not said)

each workplace gets:
[[margin]] palu [[/margin]] a. one large mastil (linen) @ 5000
b. one 6-inch gerinda @ 8000
c. iron & white iron worth 50,000
d. horn of ivory worth 10,000
e. charcoal worth 5000
f. for marketing each pesenta also puts in 50,000 as 'briya penampungan kasil produksi' (money to wait out period until inventory sold)

tol: 128,000 per workplace

other project aims mentioned are to carry out training, help w/ marketing & promosi, free pengrajin from hold of tengkulaks & iron, etc., but no budget for trainers, transport, etc.