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quality, make promotion, train in management + administration, etc. but no budget these steps

again sheets calculating hypothetical profits. Here I list only costs:

I. blacksmiths
a. 3k non @ 200       600
b. arang batok (coconut lusk charcoal)   1500
c. Lom + wood   500
d. wages 3 persons x 100 Rp   3000/5600 a day

II. sabut kelapa makers
a. coconut  5850
b. other materials  750
c. wages  2875/9475 a day

II rotan / billi makers
a. rotan + billi 6130
b. labor         4040
                 10,170 a week

do they pay wages?

-same evening shceudled a meeting a Tavanaar's house
following persons attended:
pak ali nukmud
pak sutadi
pak hasyum

prepared a field schedule
will visit project sites to the east of band ach on Saturday and project sites to the north on Monday
Tuesday will leave for arch barat

special problems which pak hasyum requested help with are:

1. pengawasan kredit (credit supervision)
2. content of industry DUPs & DIPs
3. problem identification techniques

a note that Archnese word for bakul is "mugi"