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next morning, before leaving for field, held discussion with Pak Ali Makmud at his tingkat II office (in another area of Banda Aceh)

discussed his salt credit project (see above pp 18-19 and pp 22-24)
- credit comes from Bank Pembangunan Daerah thru its kecamatan unit
- way project works is thus: equipment and raw materials are purchased by the klompok head and the dinas officer together cost of living payment & wage payment given out in form of cash(( no wage payment listed for salt project but are wage payments for other projects e.g. project C pages 24-28 above))
-repayment of credit is in the form of salt
Pak Ali says he prefers payment in kind rather than cash so "can't be misused" ("tidal salah dipakai")
head of the klompok then sells the salt & turns over the money to the kecamatan unit which turns it over to BPD

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-were 3 salt klompoles 1st year & Pak Ali says will be 7 second year (doesn't tally w/ 2nd yr. DUP which only lists 3 new klompols))
-each klompok has its own warehouse & kantor; each klompok consists of 12 borrowers
-Ali says that kredit investasi (kredit tetap = fixed capital) to be repaid over 4 years & kredit modal kerja (working capital) over 1 year ((doesn't tally with info on p 23 above))
- some people repay monthly, some quarterly and some seasonally ("bulanan, quartalan, musiman")
- later note explains that kredit tetap given out on tenggang waktu (delayed start of repayment) 1 year, i.e. begin repaying second year & repay over 3 years (hence 4 yrs)
- 1st yr. credit came out in Aug. ((too late, only 2 mo. of seasons left))

next discussed 2nd-yr. project C (begins above p 24) - a credit project for blacksmiths, about kelapa makers, rotan/billi weavers
repayments in this project must be in form of money, not 'nature'