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by pengumpul(collection-traders)- some pengumpul come from the village and some from other villages
baskets are used for daily needs 
-it takes a woman [[strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] one day to make a large basket 2 days to make  3 medium baskets and she 
can make 2 small baskets in one day
prices:  large 1000 Rp
         med.   400
         small  300
a widow (i.e. a woman in a household without male labor)cannot produce as much because she has to go to the forest & cut billi herself

villagers plant rainfed rice (tadah hujan) in the rainy season & the land is left barren (gundul = bald) in the dry
we saw an incredible amt. of firewood stacked up under the raised houses
are 4 kamponas @ 50 houses making billi baskets

I bought 10 items w/  following prices
750 Rp
3 for 2000
6050 Rp

next stopped at Kampong Ba'it, 18k from Banda Aceh, Kec
Sukamakmur, on of two blacksmithing kampongs enrolled in 2nd- yr. tingkat II project (see above pp. 24-25 and p. 28); blacksmiths in this kampong produce both long parang knives and traditional Acehnese rencong

perapen in this area called a 'pondok'
first visited pondoks of Pak Razzali and Pak Yatim
5 per pondok
1 empu = sepit
3 panjak = pe pale
1 ubub = tukang put2 angin