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- they also make shopping bags called em pang
they can make 3 or 4 empang a day if work all day - sell the empang for 30 Rp each
they said, however, that there iboh craft work is a "sambilan kalua, tidak ke sawah" (sideline if they're not busy in the ricefields)
in the Hota Baru area they plant rice in the rainy season and the land is gundul in the dry
- a 4x6 tikar, takes 1 mo. to make, sells for 6000 Rp - tikai are made to order
- they have a langganan who picks up the impang - about 10 pengumpuls work the ibah area, all men, some from the village + some from outside
- the women buy their iboh at 10 Rp, a frond because the village doesn't grow enough to supply their needs
- 1 frond is enough to make 6 empang
- there is no wage labor, each woman works at her own house
- girl children make but not boy children
- when asked whether children receive money payment for their work, they
- replied that "anaksupahnya ls" (the children are paid in popsickles - a joke) - much hilarity over this

finally visited village making sulam; looking for kampongo Blang + Pie which are enrolled in 2nd yr provincial training project
field worker accompanying me didn't know where these kampongo were, however, so took me to see 4 sulam households out in that general direction
all 4 large stone houses of wealthy people
producing gold thread sulam on.
nayon satlin with appliqued sequins, mainly pillow covers
motifs such as garudas, lobsters, leaves ((Really horrible stuff))
- all work done by women, age 12 and up
- gold thread from Pasar Aceh
- person who orders supplies the thread+ cloth; person who orders usually the customers also none of the "pengusaha" women home at the households we visited so unable to get price data