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finally a page of notes from discussions with staff in Aceh Besa
complained that 1 kabupaten in Aceh the size of half a province on Java; tingkat II staff inadequate to cover the area & hence "karang kontrol"
also complained that field staff only get 2000Rp when go to the village, much less they say than field staff on Java;

[[margin]]Tuesday 2/19/80[[/margin]]

Tuesday morning flew over to Meulaboh, the capital of kab. Aceh Barat, with Abu Hayatun

talked with Pak Chodri, head of tingkat II who met us at the airport

given 2 second-year DUPs, which reviewed in our small hotel room that evening

INSERT: notes on reviewing second year DUPs from West Aceh


A. Proyek Perbaikan Pengolahan/Mutu
Kerajnan Rakyat (Project to Upgrade the Processing|Quality of Handicrafts)

budget: 6 million
project head: Pak Chodri
details: DUP very incomplete - of the 6 million budget, over 1/4 (1,560,000) for gaji dan upak; of this 960,000 to pay two TPL 40,000 each over a year
another 1,300,000 for 2 motorcycles for the TPL & 240,000 for gas
-project will be carried out in 4 kecamatans, as follows:
kec. Johan Pahlawan
kec. Kaway XVI
kec Seunagan
kec. Kuala
4 industries listed, presumably respectively, are salt, capah ((?)), rattam & blacksmithing

all 6 mil will be used 1st project yr (79-80)