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salt village will receive:
1. 200 M plastic for penjemuran salt water
2. 4 kualis @20,000
3. 12 baumometers @5000
4. 2 salt sheds (pondok garam) @150,000
5. 2 water storage banks 2 x 2 x 1 M @ 50,000
6. 2 kitchens (dapur) @ 15,000

capah village will receive:
1. 2 capah sheds (pondok capah)@500,000 10 x 10 M

rattan village: 
1. 1 rattan shed (pondok rattan) 10 x 10 M @50,000

blacksmithing village: 
1. gerenda @20,000

other budget items listed but I am not sure for which villages are: fuelwood, a scale, 2 calculators, 1 filing cabinet, pails, hose

no background on village, no mention f no. of participants, no pentahapen kerja

B. Proyek Usaha Hasil Kerajinan Rakyat
(Project to Increase Handicraft Profits)
budget: 10 million
project head: not listed - signed by Chodri
details: to be carried out in same 4 kev. as project A + also kec Samaliga, total of 9 desas
103 nasabah in these 9 desas will receive tiny amts. of marketing credit (credit pemasaran) - for 103 nasabah total amt. of credit given out only 10,000 Rp on a second set of budget pages see that 3 rotten producers will each get:
1. sets of equipment @ 200,000 ((kind?))
2. cost of living for 10 days at Rp1000 a day
3. money for raw materials @ 100,000 ((wrong calculations here - says @ 50,000 x 3 persons x 6 mo = 300,000))
4. money for accumulating stock ((briaya penampungan hasil produksi)) for the klompok in amt of 400,000 Rp

- capah makers will get:
1. 2 chain saws @ 400,000'
2. 4 mesin kukuran / pencungkil grater / gauge / pick @ 150,000

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error: I think this means 10 mil  as 2nd budget sheet also = 10 mil; on this 1st budget sheet last 3 years omitted from figures