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Biggest and deepest capah sells for 3500, smallest for 500; the old man told us that women dont help make capah because "they are busy with hats"

on the way back to Meulaboh stopped to talk to Pak Utuh.Pakeh, silversmith making fine ornamental rencong his family, including his children and younger brother, and the major. traditional gold and silversmiths in Meulaboh town - is an inherited familt craft
Pak Pakeh's children live in town, not in  the village, where they are employed as goldsmiths
- Pak Pakeh takes 15 days to make one fancy oranmental solver kris - sells to shops as far as Banda Acek for about 85,000 Rp each
silver is heated with a small brender (burner, blowtorch) in the family there are 3 tukang mas making small ornaments and 2 silversmiths making rencong 
- Pak Pakehs grandfather did this work, though it was his father who began the trad of very fine craftmanships
- Pak Pakeh buys gold and silver in Meulaboh from Toko Abdullah - not really buy since the store belongs to his son

Wed 2/2 0/80
long hard field day
stopped first at rattan store of Pak Suleiman, one of 5 rattan craftsmen sent to Meden under the 1st-y provincial training program (see above pp 7-80)
Pak Suleiman has in stock some of the large high-backed Hawauin style chains he learned to make during the training course, but he complained they don't sell in W. Acek 
also stocks regular chains, cribs, bird cages
he gets his rattan 2 ways: 
1. he goes to the forest and cuts
2. he buys from sellers