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he told us that of the 5 students sent from W. Acek to Medan, only 2 "benkembang" (have grown, I expanded [[?]] ie as a result of the course) 

Pak Suleeman showed us a letter for a two-year KMKP credit he got for 2 million Rp- pays 12% interest a year - pays back 1/3 of the credit at end of each 9 months Pak Suleeman also once attended a management course in Banda Acek - course content included:

1. Cooperatives (kooperasi
2. credit ([[?]])
3. bookkeeping (penbukuan)
4. marketing (penasanan)

[[?]] visted abdullahs store in town of Meulaboh - sells antique jewelry & beautiful antique ceramics, [[?]]. hats with ornaments, modern gold jewelery w/ achenese motifs

same day continued on to home in town of [[?]] cut kartiga dealer in sulam cloths of velvet

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decorated with gold thread
she puts out the work to women in desa Baban
are about 60 women in Baban who do this work, but only 6 are long - [[?]] of [[?]] Cut

[strikethrough] are really 2 qualities of gold salam work:

a. that done by machine & sold house to house (diedes) to the common people.
b. fine work to order
[[?]] Cut only receives orders for fine work
[[?]] Hayatun very high on exploiting the potential of entrepreneurs like [[?]]
gold thread [[?]] [[?]] Cut uses comes from Singapore - it is sold in Pasar Medan for 8500 a pak and in Pasar Meulaboh for 10,000 a pack

the velvet used sells for 2500 a meter
sequins + beads come from Jakarta; [[?]] Cut herself goes there to buy in addition to velvet another kind of watermarked cloth being used which sells for 4500 a meter