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nilam season lasts 6-8 mo.
2. are also outsiders who come in and pay others to cultivate their milam plots
most milam farmers do not own their own ketels but rent from those who do have ketels
there are about 50 ketels in the area, acc. to[[strikethrough]] own  [[strikethrough]]our  TPL (Amisullah); ketel owners number 40 (some have more than one)
 of the 40 ketel owners, 5 come from outside the kecamatan

stopped before leaving Teanom at a B1P1k service center for milam just outside of town
construction costs 400,000 Rp
processes milam leaves brought in by the milam farmers - charge 3 oz a day out of 12 (?) produced each time (processing)
process 3x a day.
farmers aren't using this facility very much, however, because trad. ketels extract more oil for the same amt. of leaves

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next visited trad. ketel next door owned by a local entrepreneur
owner doesn't work there but pays 3000 Rp a day to the man who
 does the work
one worker can handle the whole unit; this worker told us that for 50k of leaves (one time processing) the trad. ketel gets 12 oz. oil while the B1P1K ketel gets only 10 
to process 50K of leaves need 1 1/2 meter cubic of wood (hardwoods) which sells for 2000 Rp per cubic = 3000 Rp for firing
wood heats the water which pro-duces the steam for distillation
-oil from this trad. ketel sold to an agent in Teunom who sells it to an exporter in Medan

after travelling over land we spent the night at the small town of Calang, a former Dutch military camp on the coast
incredible mosquitos at night in-credible sunset over the beach the next morning