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tastes & styles changing so grades & sizes of cloth bought & maybe colors of dyes etc changing)
- each penghajin takes out only as much cloth & other materials as he or she can use - "if can only make 4 pieces, may not take out 5"
now (this wk) investigating the most urgent needs of the producers ("keperluan sangat mendesak")
- each of the 20 subklompoks has its own head
- acc. to Suyrtno, producers will have their choice of marketing their finished pieces theur the KUD, the ikatan, or on their own - he said "tersara" + favors "komptisi belas"
- each bonowe will have a baleu mencatat- repayment has a built-in savings feature (tabangan)- if bonow a 1000Rp piece of cloth repay 1050Rp
for the lifetime of the project or as long as the remain members of the ikatan may not touch the tabangan- 
tabangan is for when PDP leaves"
KUD may have its own marketing
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channels (vague point)
one worker can produce 4-5 pieces of rough to medium grade batik ((mention here that kotah batik very inferior to Pasesch))
in order to produce cap batik must have an yin (permit) from Dinas, Perinduastian - Pak Suyitno doesn't intend to give out any of these yins because he doesn't want tulis work to die out.
he estimates that profit for batik workers in Kotah not less than 25% of modal (based on what?)
mori prima prices are variable; one week can be 17,000 Rp a pis (bolt) and next wk 18,500 Rp.-
1 pis is enough for 12 jarik (unsewn sarongs, 2 1/2 M each +/-); in village also, produce sarongs, cloth for men's shirts (bahan hem), cloth for women's dresses (baham rok), headcloths (ikatan kepala)
- there are some tukang jahit in the village, acc. to Suyistno, but not many (ada, tapi terbatas) - village does not, at any rate, produce ready-to-wear
- boys never did batik before - began in 1978 when included
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