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[[pg 28]] in a Dinas Perindustrian course "because teachers included men" - Suyitno says that in new course boys will be trained primarily in dying. there is almost no sawah in the village + main activity batik (my notes actually say "main activity laki")-
there is ladang land in the village, "but not many have" the desa across the road (Kalangan Prao) is starting to produce batik also, but "is still a hobby", acc. to Suyitno ((not too many impoverished villagers I know have "hobbies"))

follows general notes on economy of Sampang from Suyitno + others in [[?]]. office: most Madurese men merantau in the dry season + when it's harvest time in other others - mostly merantau to Java + Kalimantan
they have 3 main occupations:
1. buruh tani
2. mendagong (they trade batik as far as Jakarta)
3. fishing (nelayan)
September thru February is the

[[pg 29]] busy season for fishing (peak shrimp season in Kwanyar just up the coast to the west is Jan-Mar with declining catches till June)-
[[left margin]] see bk 10, page 117 [/left margin]] 
the 3 main fishing ports in Sampang are Sreseh, Sampang town + Camplong as the men can go north + work out of the towns of Ketapang, Banyuates or Sokobanah 
in March or April begins the "resting" (istirahat) time for fishing because of strong winds which make the men afraid to go out
in Sreseh there is some boat-building, but only small prahus of 35-50 ton
Sreseh men make prahus both for own use + to order

[[??]] Suyitno discussed his 2nd yr. plans briefly- wants a project in the blacksmithing village of Kedungdung + in the krupuk village of Moktesareh
[[left margin]] KEDUNGDUNG MOKTESAREH [/leftmargin]]