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core of the arits & pesaus (knives &
sickles) he makes are thin sheet
of steel while outer layers
are iron-steel edge emerges in
polishing process
compare 3-4K a day with the
40-50K a day in Sen Asen-clear
that this village short of capital;
revealed also by the

1K steel enough to fill 24
  sickles (arit)
1K iron enough for outer
  layers of 5 large arit or
  7 small

[[drawing of sickle on left margin with notes: filed steel edge]]

Pak Paidi's perapen
produces 20 arit a day if
2 men helping Pak Paidi, 16 or
18 if only 1 man helping
ubub work done by unpaid mem-
bers of Paidi's family
arit sell for 50Rp each ((or does
this mean profit per arit 50Rp))
((failed to get scrap iron prices
by profit-sharing data))
sell products in local pasaro or
to tengkulaks - if to tengkulaks
they may sell to immigrants ((trans-
migrants?)) via sailing traders

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(pedagang nelayan) as far away as
when we asked what assistance they
would like from Dinas Perindustrian,
replied that they would like a tanggem
(vise) and a grinda
now use files (cap dua kikir @
2500 Rp) or with the trademark of 3
crossed files (cap tiga kikir @3000 Rp)
one kikir lasts 1 - 1 1/2 mo
use 1 pikul (2 baskets) kitchen arenf a
day which equivalent to not
more than 1/2 pikul regu;ar areng
(compare w/ 3-4 pikuls regular
areng in Sem Asen)
price of kitchen charcoal is 700-
740Rp per pikul (vs 1500 for
regular charcoal)

only a few people farm in the village
("petani sedikit")
the pandais have sawah but only
small ants, they estimate an
ave. of about 1/4 hectare each
((not too bad, is 2500 M2, but
of course can't double crop in
this area))
other jobs that people do to earn
a living include: