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MOKTESAREH, - ((see FN 11 pp 26 for bleng village of Jone
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1. working as kulis 
2. selling old burlap bags (karong) 
3. selling cloth (kain 2)
4. driving a becak 
these are all men's jobs and involve them in merantau outside the village 
"the wives don't have work, and they don't tani either as in other villages" 

in 1978 a 10-day welding class  [[/strikethrough]] arranged/ given by tingkat II but with provincial funds tried to teach them to make welded furniture, but teachings not implemented because not given the necessary tools simultaneously 
--  Pak Suyitno hopes to klompok the pandais & their buruks so can buy iron together in bulk

next visited potential second-yr village of Moktesarek - also located in Kec. Kedungdung - produce [[stikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] "krupuk puli", a kind of krupuk made from wheat flour & mysterious substance called "bleng" or "air crystal bleng" (water crystal bleng) which comes 


from certain natural springs & can either [[strikethrough]] be sold by the oz or in liquid form
-- would recommend cancelling this project since we only found 3 HH making this krupuk & their total production is bought by local villagers at the local market (Pasan Sentol) -- they say none is sold to tengkulaks or bakuls

Pak Suyitno says that the raison d'ĂȘtre of the project was to teach the people to utilize cassava (ketela pohon) -- he wants to convert them from making wheat flour krupuk to the cassava flour type which he calls "krupuk Bandung"

I have a note here that Pak Suyitno is a Jogjanese -- he and his wife have been 5 yrs on Madura & hate it & the people -- we met several Javanese posted to Madura w/ similar attitudes & requests in for a change of assignment

visited first the house of Bu Mastura,